Work Health and Safety
Employers and employees have a range of duties and obligations under work health and safety (WHS) legislation. Failure to comply with these WHS duties and obligations can result in businesses and individuals facing significant penalties, particularly where any failure has resulted in death or serious injury.
Our experienced team can ensure that you meet the requirements of state and federal WHS laws to achieve a safe working environment for your employees and to protect you from undue risk.
We also have experience in relation to the management of and response to WHS incidents (including in relation to the development of protocols for responding to WHS incidents), and in coronial inquests.
We can also help with:
The MV difference
We can help you in navigating the work health and safety system in your jurisdiction, by advising in relation to matters such as:
- the development of a WHS framework for your business, including WHS policies and procedures
- the duties imposed under the WHS legislation on persons or businesses conducting an undertaking, officers, workers and other persons
- the obligations of duty holders under the WHS Act, including the duty to consult, co-operate and co-ordinate in respect of WHS matters
- WHS committees and WHS representatives, including their establishment or appointment, and their roles and responsibilities
- right of entry of WHS permit holders, and
- compliance with WHS legislation and interactions with regulators.
Our experienced employment and industrial relations lawyers can provide relevant legal protection, assistance and advice in relation to the management of and response to WHS incidents. This includes developing protocols for responding to WHS incidents, and in coronial inquests.
As well as advising on a case-by-case basis, what we really love is getting to know our clients well. By allowing us to develop an ongoing relationship with you, we can become an extremely cost-effective resource. Once we understand your business, we work with you as your HR partner, and many of your questions or issues can be solved on-the-spot in a short phone call or single meeting with our experienced employment lawyers.
Be empowered with workplace and employment solutions from our expert team.
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